Hi, me and my girlfriend are looking to buy, her credit is good, whereas I have had a default 4 years ago due to being on a DMP. The last payday loan was paid off around 15 months ago, but around 2-3 years ago I did have alot of small, stupid payday loans which doesn’t look good on my credit report, even though they were all paid off. I was just wondering if we’d have much chance with a 10% deposit. Our only debts currently are 3000 for my girlfriend on an interest free credit card (car purchase) and £150 on a credit card for me. Thanks in advance for any response!

Hi there,
Thanks for the details, unfortunately there are only limited lenders with a 10 percent deposit and historic adverse credit.
It may be possible depending on the detail of your credit file, bank account conduct and source of deposit.
Outside of this 15 percent deposit certainly sounds achievable based upon the details provided.
Good luck
Paul Carmen
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